# SparissimoFood
Online Ordering System For Your Restaurant
Get more orders from your hungry customers today - with our ordering software for restaurants

Convert more website visitors into regular customers
Our online ordering system will help you turn your website into a money-printing machine.
Egal, wie sehr Ihr Geschäft wächst, Sie werden immer in der Lage sein, unbegrenzt viele Bestellungen anzunehmen.
Stärken Sie Ihr Geschäft mit unserem kostenlosen Online-Bestellsystem für Restaurants & Sie werden sich nie wieder Gedanken um Gebühren machen müssen.
# SparissimoFood
Optional payment services

Save time
Thanks to our platform, you save extremely valuable time and provide your customers with excellent service.

Friendly support
Our support team ensures smooth operations so that you can turn to other tasks.

Easy to edit
Our platform is ideal for rapid but significant changes. At the same time, it is very user-friendly.

Grow your business
Realize significant increases in profit and efficiency. Your growth will take on unimagined dimensions.

You will receive the hardware from us
We install everything on site at your restaurant and explain the system.

We advertise for you
We promote your restaurant in Google, Facebook and Instagram.
Get more customers to buy from you with eye-catching restaurant widgets.
The harder it is for your hungry customers to find the order buttons on your website, the more customers you will lose.
Increase customer retention rates by adding “View Menu & Order” & “Reserve Table” restaurant widgets to make the ordering process quick and easy on your sales-optimized website.

No website that makes you money?
Get a website that sells plus an online ordering system
Your curry is hot, but your restaurant isn't? We'll help you create your own fully functional restaurant website with online ordering system within seconds. No coding skills required!
Owners who use our sales-optimized website have increased their online sales by an average of 162%.
No time to waste: receive your first online order within minutes
How to get started:

Simply create an account

Add the Restaurant Widgets to Your Website

Use our online restaurant ordering software to confirm orders received on your website, Facebook page or restaurant app

No special equipment is required:
Accept incoming orders via your tablet.
Simply install our free order taking app for Android or iOS on your smartphone, tablet or iPad to get started.With the Sparissimofood app, you can now accept online food orders from your own device... with a simple touch of your screen.
# SparissimoFood
What the restaurant owners say
More than 150 restaurant owners can't be wrong! See more SparissimoFood customer reviews
"I have received a lot more orders since I posted the link to the ordering system on my Facebook page and since we have over 3000 fans. And to promote this system, I give a 10% discount when the guest orders online. Our old system was not really comfortable for guests to use and was a lot of work for me too. I have never given a discount in the history of my sushi bar. I hope that this shows you how much I appreciate your system."

Xiao W.
Sushi Kometsu
"Die Einrichtung macht wirklich Spaß, da es einen kleinen Nachrichtenbereich gibt, wo man schnell Antworten bekommt, mit Bildern und Anleitungen und Videos, wenn nötig. Mein Geschäft ist mit der umsatzoptimierten Webseite deutlich gewachsen. Der eigentliche Zweck war gar nicht, Geld zu sparen und mehr Kunden zu bekommen, aber meine Verkäufe haben sich vervierfacht, seit ich sie benutze. Sie war jeden Cent wert. Es ist das beste Online-Bestellsystem für Lebensmittel."

Amanda S.
Ozona Pizza
Your own ordering system here Receive unlimited orders today.
More than 150 restaurant owners can't be wrong! Check out more SparissimoFood customer reviews.